OrangeTheory Fitness

Platform Design

Carnival Cruise Search

and Booking

Website Design

OrangeTheory Fitness

Website Redesign

Project:  Website Re Design

Project:  Mobile App Design

Project:  Website Redesign

Agency:  Razorfish

Agency:  SapientNitro

Agency:  Razorfish

Role:  Experience Associate Creative Director

Role:  Senior Experience Designer

Role:  Experience Associate Creative Director



OrangeTheory Fitness is one of the fastest-growing franchise in the world and they had a need to reinforce the scalability of the workout for anyone, of any age or fitness level and motivate prospects to book an intro class. 

OrangeTheory Fitness is one of the fastest-growing franchise in the world and they had a need to reinforce the scalability of the workout for anyone, of any age or fitness level and motivate prospects to book an intro class.





full process_research

We immersed ourselves in the fitness experience, we went to some classes, conducted user interviews to understand the main pain points of the website, we spoke with trainers  and analysed what was life at the time. 

As a result we understood the general misconception of what the workout is about and how it works.

We immersed ourselves in the fitness experience, we went to some classes, conducted user interviews to understand the main pain points of the website, we spoke with trainers  and analysed what was life at the time. 

As a result we understood the general misconception of what the workout is about and how it works.

Taking a OTF class




We created a platform that allows prospects to understand what OrangeTheory is about and provide the answers of what matters the most.  

Our redesign changed Carnival’s text-based search results to an interactive photo-based

mood board: one that surfaced destinations,excursions, and activities immediately, showing

users the real value of their potential trips in only one page.

Our redesign changed Carnival’s text-based search results to an interactive photo-based

mood board: one that surfaced destinations,excursions, and activities immediately, showing

users the real value of their potential trips in only one page.

We created a platform that allows prospects to understand what OrangeTheory is about and provide the answers of what matters the most.  



Is there a studio near me or my work?


Is there a studio near me or my work?



Are there class times that fit into my routine?


Are there class times that fit into my routine?



Is this within my budget?


Is this within my budget?



full process_design

The project was divided in two stages. The first one was all about the content and then we integrated the booking flow. 

We decided to have a quick video explaining what OTF is about and the closest studio to the users as the hero of the page.
We created flexible components where the content is easy to update. some of them support animation, video, copy, etc.  Total we created 8 templates and 29 components. 
One of the nice things about this project was to work closely with the content team. So while we were building components, we were very clear what format and what kind of content we were going to use. 

We decided to have a quick video explaining what OTF is about and the closest studio to the users as the hero of the page.
We created flexible components where the content is easy to update. some of them support animation, video, copy, etc. 

One of the nice things about this project was to work closely with the content team. So while we were building components, we were very clear what format and what kind of content we were going to use. 



Since convenience was defined as location, date and time we play with 2 main concepts. In one location was the main driver of the decision while in the second one was date and time. At the end we decided to move foward with concept one. 


Since convenience was defined as location, date and time we play with 2 main concepts. In one location was the main driver of the decision while in the second one was date and time. At the end we decided to move foward with concept one. 


Location First Flow

Location First Flow


Date and Time First Flow

Date and Time First Flow

Booking Flow Wireframes


Lead generation increased by 73% in the first month after launch with less than 50% traffic (compared to the previous year) due to Covid19.

During the pandemic we were able to create orangetheory at home reusing the flexible components in only one day.


Lead generation increased by 73% in the first month after launch with less than 50% traffic (compared to the previous year) due to Covid19.

During the pandemic we were able to create orangetheory at home reusing the flexible components in only one day.

OTF-at-home_Previous Workout

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